Sunday, April 5, 2009

The month that keeps on fooling

So, I just read this rather unsubstantiated article but funny nonetheless. It appears that kids who list Lil Wayne as their favorite artist are the dumbest in the nation. Now I do not list Lil Wayne as my favorite, but he is constantly in my top five rotation. This article lacks some credence though. I think some of Lil Wayne's music is super clever, not all of it of course, but the man's word play definitely takes thought. I think this study is more critical of demographics and the kids who enjoy his music. I do not think that music can make you dumb, but if you are dumb maybe you listen to a certain type of music. That is more what it seems like to me, but I do not know. Anyway, check out the study that has lots of different groups on it. My favorite group is actually near the top of the study, so maybe I'm just half dumb. Study on music Preference!!!


Anonymous said...

Amen, amen. Seeing as I'm an English teacher, I sure hope you're right.

But whatev. I love you Wayne.

Anonymous said...

PS I will just make sure my kids listen to Outkast instead of Lil Wayne.