Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dark Knight

Out of everyone that I know I am the first first to see the new Batman movie. Batman is released one day earlier in Hong Kong and it is 14 hours ahead of home, so I was in a good position. All that I can say is that it is very dark and I cringed on more than one occasion due to the violent nature of the film. I was also not aware of two-faces long appearance in the movie. It was a surprise, but a good one. The movie was rather long as well and climaxes and then dives into a more intricate storyline. All in all I thought it was a great movie, and I could not even tell it was our good friend Heath under all that makeup. Luved it!


ashley mikell said...

I loved the Dark knight! so good! How are you friend? I just found your blog through ashton. Remember me in all your travles!

brooke said...

of all the people i know, i am the last person to see batman, and i too loved it.