Wednesday, March 11, 2009


During this time of year it is common for kids from colleges around the United States to go on Spring breaks and indulge in various buzzes. These range from drug buzzes to alcohol buzzes or whatever form of buzz to alleviate the pressures of college studies. I however, have taken a different route concerning spring buzzes, an actual shaved head. This was not my desire but due to some fortuitous circumstances I now look fifteen years old. Here's how it played out . . . I went home last Sunday and asked my Dad for a haircut. I felt like my hair was a little too long on front and with the advent of spring I wanted something a little shorter. My Dad would not shave my head when I first made the request, but he was willing to trim up my hair. So, he cut my hair and it looked pretty good, but once again there was a part in the front that appeared a little longer. I asked my dad if he could go over that part again, he paused and then grabbed the clippers. Unknown to us at the time was that he had left the shorter clip on the shears that he had used to trim the sides. He went right over the front of my head and gave me a reverse Mohawk, with a short line right down the middle of the head. The only remaining option was for him to shave the rest of my head. I guess I got what I originally wanted, even though I took four years off my looks. To make it worse I laid out in this warm 50 degree and am now sunburned. So, my looks have suffered this week, but I don't care because spring is on the way!


Kellee Marie Cook said...

I heart the new buzz. Seriously looks good. but maybe that is because I am generally attracted to and go for minors.. so sue me. (actually don't, because you probably could because I think it's against the law)

all-in-all, i am a fan of the new buzz and the minor-looking jordan.

Monica said...

hahaha PICS PICS PICS PICS (chant) nahhh no way it took 4 years off, I wont believe it til I see it. sorry about the sunburn though haha that is a pretty funny sotry tho, I must say...