Sunday, November 30, 2008


Agoraphobia is my new favorite word/disorder. It was recently used on an episode of 30 rock. The literal definition is a fear of the marketplace, but it is basically a fear of fear. In other words, someone needs to go to the store later, but they are scared that they will be scared or have a panic attack at the store, so it renders them useless. Even though it sounds serious and somewhat funny I suppose that many people have already suffered from this disorder to some degree or another. Like, when you have to go on a date with someone and you are scared that you will have a bad time on the date, or if you have to play in a game and you are scared you will mess up. These are lesser degrees, but kind of humorous if you think about it. Oh well you agoraphobics I am out of here.

1 comment:

Amy W. said...

I don't want to comment on this post for fear of messing up in front of the entire blogiverse.